Black Pearl Wax Apple from Pingtung, Taiwan

3 Pillars of Frusirnag's Farm to Bottle Ingredients

Black Pearl Wax Apple
It is a rich source of phenols, flavonoids and antioxidants compounds. It may increase the superoxide dismutase levels in the human body to promote antioxidant defenses and protect against oxidative stress. It consists of an active component, Vescalagin, which may lower blood glucose and triglycerides levels to facilitate better heart, blood, vascular health and support a good immune system.

Cytotoxic chalcones and antioxidants from the fruits of a Syzygium samarangense (Wax Jambu), Food Chem. 2008 March 15; 107(2): 813-819.

Dragon Fruit
It is a nutritious and vibrant fruit that can nourish the human body. It is an excellent source of dietary fiber and has a ton of beneficial vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, flavonoids, antioxidants as well as other functional contents. These nutrients may benefit gastrointestinal and cardiovascular health, support healthy growth of body cells and protect us from chronic diseases by lowering cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

DRAGON FRUIT AS A NUTRACEUTICALS, Shinde Mayuri S.1* Aher Smita S.2, Saudagar R. B, Vol 7, Issue 4, 2018. 958-872.

Red Algae
It boasts plenty of beneficial compounds like fatty acid, amino acid, dietary fibers, iron, calcium, polysaccharides and vitamins. These nourishing ingredients can support the growth of healthy body cells, help reduce the risk of progression of age-related macular degeneration, provide protection against viruses and infection, lower blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose and triglycerides levels, as well as support healthy liver structure and its effective functioning.

Nutritional composition of edible seaweed Gracilaria changgi, Mohd Hani Norziah, Chio Yen Ching, Food Chemistry 68 (2000) 69-76.