Why health food when we have food for nutrition absorption?

Why health food when we have food for nutrition absorption?

There are various types of food, and the richness of nutrient diversity also varies per food. According to the 8th edition of the National Dietary Nutrient Reference Intake issued by the National Health Service of the Executive Yuan, various nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals are most recommended to have in your daily diet. According to studies performed at the University of Birmingham Alabama, the average American diet has too many calories from fat and added sugar, and it is also too high in saturated fat, sodium, and refined grains. Live Healthy explains that experts have estimated that the average American consumes anywhere from 2,500 to 3,600 calories every day. The average American consumes around 17 teaspoons of added sugar every day.8

A study discovered that the average American gets 57.9% of their calories from foods that are ultra-processed. The most serious vitamin deficiency is fat-soluble vitamin D.

Among the minerals, calcium deficiency is the most serious, followed by magnesium, zinc, and iron, and sodium intake is too high.

Based on the above survey results, it is found that the nutritional intake of American people is low in fiber, high in sugar, high in fat, high in protein, and an unbalanced diet.

The results of the relevant survey reports can also show that even if everyone knows that food is rich in various nutrients, they should consume more, but they often prefer a certain type of diet because of their work and rest, work, and habits. For example, fitness groups consume high-protein diets, weight loss groups eat less starch and oily foods, beauty-loving groups won’t bask in the sun and engage in outdoor activities, etc., – these variations are the reasons for various insufficient nutritional intake cases.

In order to avoid health problems that may occur due to long-term insufficient nutrient intake, choosing health food to use at this time is the most effective, fast, and convenient way to solve these problems.

Low-fiber diet improvement suggestions:

Either add one more serving of vegetables and fruits than you usually would every day. Or choose healthy food with sources of vegetable and fruit extracts and dietary fiber. Don’t forget to drink water as this can help maintain metabolism and improve defecation problems.

Recommendations for improving a high-sugar diet:

It is recommended that people who like to drink beverages cannot accept sugar-free beverages at first. It is recommended to change from full sugar to 7 points of sugar, and gradually change to 5 points and 3 points, or use sparkling water and other sources of water intake with special taste to reduce Sugar intake; reducing the use of dipping sauces, reducing the consumption of thickened foods, and reducing the intake of refined starchy foods are also one of the ways to reduce the intake of excessive sugar. Usually, it is also recommended to eat health products with dietary fiber, which can reduce intestinal sugar absorption. In turn, it can assist metabolism.

Recommendations for improving a high-fat diet:

Reduce the intake of fried foods, such as fried chicken, hot dogs, and fried desserts, and increase the intake of foods with healthy fats, such as nuts, fish oil, olive oil, etc. Taking these foods along with other foods high in dietary fiber, will reduce the absorption of intestinal fatty acids and help the metabolism.


https://www.hpa.gov.tw/Pages/Detail.aspx?nodeid=544&pid=725 National Health Service

https://www.hpa.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=3998 National Nutrition and Health Survey

https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=L0040003 National Regulations Database

https://www.mohw.gov.tw/mp-1.html Ministry of Health and Welfare

http://www.foodlabel.org.tw/FdaFrontEndApp/Home/Index Food Labeling Consulting Service Platform

https://www.fda.gov.tw/tc/PublishOtherEpaper.aspx Drug and Food Safety Weekly Report

https://www.superlab.com.tw/ Taimei Inspection Technology

https://www.sgs.com.tw/ SGS Taiwan Inspection Technology